65 I’m Done Trying Quotes to Help You Move On (2023)

Moving on can be hard, especially when you’ve invested so much time and energy into something or someone. Sometimes, it can be difficult to know when it’s time to let go and move on. That’s where these “I’m done trying” quotes come in.

They can provide the inspiration and motivation you need to take the next step and move forward. Whether you’re dealing with a toxic relationship, a difficult situation, or just feeling stuck, these quotes will remind you that it’s okay to let go and move on.

In this post, we’ve collected over 65 quotes about being done trying to help you find the strength and courage you need to move forward. From famous figures and authors to everyday people, these quotes will give you a fresh perspective on your situation and help you find the closure you need to move on.

I’m Done Trying Quotes

  1. When you realize you’ve been holding back, and you’re done trying, that’s when you’re truly ready to begin. – Unknown
  2. I’m done trying to prove my worth to people who can’t see my value. – Unknown
  3. I’m done trying to impress people who will never be impressed. – Unknown
  4. I’m done trying to be something I’m not for the sake of others. – Unknown
  5. I’m done trying to please everyone at my own expense. – Unknown
  6. I’m done trying to convince someone to stay when they’ve made up their mind to leave. – Unknown
  7. I’m done trying to make someone love me when they don’t feel the same. – Unknown
  8. I’m done trying to convince someone to stay when they’ve already left. – Unknown
  9. I’m done trying to be perfect for someone who’s never satisfied. – Unknown
  10. I’m done trying to be someone else’s idea of perfect. – Unknown
  11. I’m done trying to be something I’m not for the sake of others. I am who I am, and I’ll never change that for anyone. – Unknown
  12. I’m done trying to impress people who will never be impressed. I’ll spend my time and energy on people who appreciate me for who I am. – Unknown
  13. I’m done trying to please everyone at my own expense. From now on, I’ll focus on pleasing myself and those who truly matter to me. – Unknown
  14. I’m done trying to convince someone to stay when they’ve made up their mind to leave. If they want to go, let them go. Their absence will make room for someone who truly wants to stay. – Unknown
  15. I’m done trying to make someone love me when they don’t feel the same. I deserve someone who loves me as much as I love them. – Unknown
  16. I’m done trying to convince someone to stay when they’ve already left. Their decision is made, it’s time to focus on myself and move on. – Unknown
  17. I’m done trying to be perfect for someone who’s never satisfied. Perfection is an illusion and I am enough just as I am. – Unknown

I Love You, But I’m Done Trying Quotes

  1. I love you, but I’m done trying to fight for a relationship that only one of us is committed to. – Unknown
  2. I love you, but I’m done trying to change who I am for you. – Unknown
  3. I love you, but I’m done trying to make you love me back. – Unknown
  4. I love you, but I’m done trying to fit into your mold. – Unknown
  5. I love you, but I’m done trying to force a connection that’s not there. – Unknown
  6. I love you, but I’m done trying to fix what’s broken in our relationship. – Unknown
  7. I love you, but I’m done trying to be someone I’m not for you. – Unknown
  8. I love you, but I’m done trying to change myself for you. – Unknown
  9. I love you, but I’m done trying to make this work when it’s clearly not. – Unknown
  10. I love you, but I’m done trying to change who I am for you. I deserve to be loved for who I am, not who you want me to be. – Unknown
  11. I love you, but I’m done trying to make you love me back. If you can’t love me as I am, then I deserve to be loved by someone who will. – Unknown
  12. I love you, but I’m done trying to force a connection that’s not there. Love should come naturally, not be forced. – Unknown
  13. I love you, but I’m done trying to fix what’s broken in our relationship. If we can’t fix it together, then it’s time to move on and find something better. – Unknown
  14. I love you, but I’m done trying to fit into your mold. I am unique and I deserve to be loved for who I am, not who you want me to be. – Unknown
  15. I love you, but I’m done trying to fix what’s broken in our relationship. If we can’t fix it together, it’s time to accept that and move on. – Unknown
  16. I love you, but I’m done trying to change myself for you. I deserve to be loved for who I am, not who you want me to be. – Unknown

Why Try Quotes

  1. Why try and fix something that’s already broken, when you can just start over and build something new? – Unknown
  2. Why try to fix something that’s beyond repair? – Unknown
  3. Why try to hold on to something that’s already gone? – Unknown
  4. Why try to fix something that’s not worth fixing? – Unknown
  5. Why try to change something that’s meant to be the way it is? – Unknown
  6. Why try to fix something that was never meant to be? – Unknown
  7. Why try to change the past when you can’t change it? – Unknown
  8. Why try to change something that’s not meant to be changed? – Unknown
  9. Why try to change the course of something that’s meant to happen? – Unknown
  10. Why try to hold on to something that’s already gone? Letting go is hard, but holding on is harder. It’s time to move on and find something new. – Unknown
  11. Why try to fix something that’s beyond repair? Sometimes, it’s better to let go and move on, than to waste time trying to fix something that can’t be fixed. – Unknown
  12. Why try to fix something that’s not worth fixing? Sometimes, it’s better to walk away from something that’s not meant to be, and find something that is. – Unknown
  13. Why try to change something that’s meant to be the way it is? Accepting things as they are, and making the best of it, is often the best course of action. – Unknown
  14. Why try to change the past when you can’t change it? Accept it, learn from it, and move on. The past is gone, it’s time to focus on the present and the future. – Unknown
  15. Why try to change something that’s not meant to be changed? Accepting things as they are and finding a way to make it work is often the best course of action. – Unknown
  16. Why try to change the course of something that’s meant to happen? Sometimes, things happen for a reason, and it’s best to accept it and move on. – Unknown

Is It Worth It Quotes

  1. Is it worth it to keep trying when you know the outcome will be the same? – Unknown
  2. Is it worth it to continue putting in effort when the other person doesn’t reciprocate? – Unknown
  3. Is it worth it to keep trying when the odds are against you? – Unknown
  4. Is it worth it to keep trying when the other person doesn’t seem to care? – Unknown
  5. Is it worth it to keep trying when you’re not happy? – Unknown
  6. Is it worth it to keep trying when the relationship is one-sided? – Unknown
  7. Is it worth it to keep trying when the other person doesn’t see your worth? – Unknown
  8. Is it worth it to keep trying when the relationship is toxic? – Unknown
  9. Is it worth it to keep trying when the other person doesn’t value you? – Unknown
  10. Is it worth it to keep trying when the other person doesn’t show you the same effort? – Unknown
  11. Is it worth it to keep trying when the odds are against you? Sometimes, it’s better to accept defeat and move on, than to keep fighting a losing battle. – Unknown
  12. Is it worth it to continue putting in effort when the other person doesn’t reciprocate? No, it’s not. I deserve someone who will put in the same effort as me. – Unknown
  13. Is it worth it to keep trying when the other person doesn’t seem to care? No, it’s not. I deserve someone who cares about me and my feelings. – Unknown
  14. Is it worth it to keep trying when the relationship is one-sided? No, it’s not. A relationship should be a two-way street, not a one-way road. – Unknown
  15. Is it worth it to keep trying when the other person doesn’t see your worth? No, it’s not. I deserve someone who values and appreciates me for who I am. – Unknown
  16. Is it worth it to keep trying when the relationship is toxic? No, it’s not. I deserve a healthy and happy relationship, not one that brings me down. – Unknown
  17. Is it worth it to keep trying when the other person doesn’t value you? No, it’s not. I deserve to be valued and respected in a relationship. – Unknown


Moving on can be a difficult and emotional process, but it’s important to remember that it’s not always about giving up, it’s about letting go of what’s holding you back. These “I’m done trying” quotes can serve as a reminder that it’s okay to let go of what’s not working and to focus on what will bring you true happiness and fulfillment.

Remember, it’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it in the end. Remember to take care of yourself and surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Let these quotes serve as a reminder that you are strong and capable of moving forward and leaving behind what no longer serves you.